Concept: The piece is a commission for a concert of new music dedicated to Dante Alighieri for flute quartet. Telling the word without pronouncing it, a constraint of instrumentation but a suggestion gathered from Dante himself in the invocation of Psalm 50 - "Domine labia mea aperies" - made me reflect on the metric structure of versification in the Divina Commedia, now as a rhythmic unit (11 octaves), sequence (11 notes), or time unit (11 seconds). The sighs of the 3rd canto of Inferno, the psalm-like intonation of the 23rd of Purgatorio, and the harmony whose sweetness “ch'esser non pò nota" of the 10th of Paradiso are the three reference inspirations that describe the formal tripartition of the piece.
Orchestration: flute quartet
Duration: 8’
Year: 2021
Dedicatee: Alchimie Sonore
World premiére performance: IUC Concerti alla Sapienza, 13/07/2021
Francesco Leineri @2024