Concept: 12 MOTIVI is one of Francesco Leineri's multidisciplinary works where music plays a central role within a performance that incorporates various art forms. It reimagines the solo concert format into a site-specific experience where the musician ideally moves within the performance space. Inspired by the musical structure of the prelude depicted on a map's circle of fifths, it provides an open score for any solo performer to create a personal audiovisual interpretation of geographical landscapes. This performance blends 12 pre-existing melodies with soundscape and video material gathered during the artist's residency, offering a poetic exploration of our relationship with the territory.
Orchestration: Live music and visual
Duration: 60 minutes
Year: 2021
Francesco Leineri: live music, video and soundscapes
Lorenzo Bruno: videomapping, design video
Alessandra Solimene: scene
Daria Grispino: lights
Simone Sfameli: artistic consulting
Dario Costa: technical coordination
Venues: RomaEuropa festival (2021), Festival delle Ville tuscolane (2021), Invisible cities Festival (2022), Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa di Palermo (2023), Sempre più fuori festival - Accademia tedesca in Villa Massimo, Rome (2024)
Francesco Leineri @2024